Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses SoonerSelect case

Posted on: 3/24/23

Yesterday, oral arguments were held at the Oklahoma Supreme Court on a case concerning the Medicaid managed care RFP process. The Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision dismissing the case based on lack of original jurisdiction.

OHA was Amicus in the case supporting the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA). The position of OHA is that OHCA followed the proper process in issuing the RFP for Medicaid managed care (SoonerSelect). The case may be refiled in the district court. The OHCA can continue to review the responses to the RFP and are on track for bid winner announcements in late May 2023. If you would like to see the one page order, click here.

Equity Group Advancing Access and Services, LLC vs Corbett (Oklahoma Supreme Court) is the case brought by several FQHCs and mental health organizations that formed a provider-led entity (PLE) named Equity Group Advancing Access and Services. The litigation claim is that the scoring and Request for Proposals (RFP) for implementation of SoonerSelect favors only out of state PLEs. Equity Group was requesting the RFP be reissued with a new scoring system. OHA made a request to the Court and was granted Amicus status and filed a brief in support of OHCA.

The main points of the OHA Amicus were: (1) Equity Group does not speak for all PLEs, and (2) the OHCA followed the proper process. (Sandra Harrison)